Don't Call it a comeback...
Well then, since Smitty had to go and update his site, it looks like I am going to have to rebuttle. Although it was nice to see the hyperlinks in the posting, don't count on anything like that here. I am still having him teach me some remedial things before we get into the advanced projects.
I am really looking forward to this weekend and sitting in front of the HDTV and not missing a second of the NFL playoffs, round 2. The only downside to having the weekend off from work is that you have to work the next 6 day ina row before another day off. Which works out fine for me because that is the day of the Conference Championship round of the playoffs.
Speaking of work, I will be going into work today with the plan of speaking to the manager about getting a raise. I will be looking for nothing less then a dollar an hour raise, which seems reasonable because of my "loyalty and knowledge." I will be highly disappointed if that does not happen.
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